Instructions to 1137 people return the job of deprived people in BCS
About 5 years ago, the Appellate Division has ordered the return of the deprived of the appointment in the 27th BCS. After hearing the appeal on Thursday, the Chief Justice said. The Appellate Bench of the five judges headed by Syed Rifat Ahmed passed the verdict

Lawyers said the Supreme Court upheld the High Court verdict after the long legal battle. According to the verdict, 5 people who are deprived of appointment in the 27th BCS will have to be appointed within 5 days.
Earlier, on Wednesday, the appeal hearing was concluded in the 26th BCS, seeking a return of the employment of 5 people who were deprived. The judgment is fixed today for the judgment.The order said that the appeal made on behalf of the deprived of the appointment in the BCS on November 7, last year.The four -member Appellate Division led by Chief Justice Syed Rifat Ahmed granted the Leave to Appeal on a separate petition seeking the review (review) of thexaminatijob..
The Appellate Division declared the decision to cancel the first -time oral examination in that BCS on July 7, keeping the judgment given by the High Court upheld. The verdict applied separately for 5 people.
After the order that day, lawyer Salah Uddin Dolan said the second oral examination was taken in the 21st BCS during the one-eleven government. The decision was made at this stage after the final recommendation would enter the job. Later the case was decided by the second oral examination. A bench of the High Court declared the second oral exam illegal. Another bench said it was valid to take the second oral examination
On January 26, the first BCS passed the first oral examination of the 21st BCS. On May 7 of that year, the then caretaker government's advisory council decided to cancel the results of the first oral examination. In view of this, the PSC canceled the results of the first oral examination on July 7 of that year. The second oral examination was held on July 23 of that year. On September 27, 1222 passed the second oral examination. They were later appointed to the job