The secret mirror '? The underground mystery is increasing in Dhanmondi 32
The students have demanded the search for the multipurpose under the house of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhanmondi No. 32 Eyewitnesses say multiple floors under the ground are mysteriously filled with water

The secret mirror '? The underground mystery is increasing in Dhanmondi 32 The students have demanded the search for the multipurpose under the house of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhanmondi 32 . Eyewitnesses say multiple floors under the ground are mysteriously filled with water,
There is a 'mirror' in the underground of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's house at No. 32 - the news has spread on social media since Friday morning (February 7th). It is claimed that the hair of the human head was also found there. There is widespread discussion among the netizens. Many people are giving their opinion on social media about this, some are calling the law and order to investigate the matter qbuilding
When the matter created a lot of discussion, Ittefaq digital reporter went to Srejmin and went to Dhanmondi number 32 and verified the authenticity.Upon visiting the house, it was found that construction work was completed up to two storeys in an under construction building next to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's house in Dhanmondi No. 32 There are several other floors in the underground of the building.
This is basically a parking area after falling down to Dulai. But below it is likely to have multiple floors. No one dared to get there because the floor below the floor of the three -storeyed water. The stairs to go down due to transparent water are clearly seen, which is more of the building
The house was vandalized on Wednesday night (February 7). There were crowds of people on Thursday and Friday.An eyewitness said, "Underneath the house we found a few rooms, but it could not be entered, because the whole place was filled with water. This is very questionable. '
Another eyewitness said, "In the five -storey structure this house, the Awami League has built another mirror with their own forces."Students claim, 'This secret structure can probably be a mirror, where Sheikh Hasina's forces secretly tortured. DGFI and DB, Hasina and her party Awami League have built another new mirror in the mirror. '
There is widespread discussion on the issue on social media, and eyewitnesses are giving the opinion that it is necessary to verify its authenticity through investigation,,