Shab-e-Barat observed with prayers across mosques
Shab-e-Barat is observed on the 14th night of Shaban in the Hijri calendar

Holy Shab-e-Barat was observed nationwide with prayers and supplications, as devout Muslims gathered in mosques and homes to seek divine blessings.Throughout the night, worshippers engaged in voluntary prayers, Quran recitations, and supplications, while many also visited the graves of their deceased relatives.
Shab-e-Barat, observed on the 14th night of Shaban in the Hijri calendar, is regarded as a night of forgiveness and mercy.The Islamic Foundation organized various of programs at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque to mark the occasion. The night-long observance included waz, prayer gatherings, Quran recitations, and Hamd Naat sessions.
The program concluded with the fajr prayer, led by Hafez Maulana Mufti Muhibullahil Baki, the head Imam of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque.Earlier in the evening, Dr AFM Khalid Hossain, an advisor to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, delivered a speech on Laylatul Barat and its significance in light of the Quran and Hadith.
Islamic Foundation Director General AS Salam Khan also spoke on the spiritual importance of the night.Additionally, Dr Khalilur Rahman Madani, a member of the Islamic Foundation’s Board of Governors and acting principal of Tamirul Millat Kamil Madrasa, delivered a sermon highlighting the virtues of Laylatul Barat.