Why is Bangladesh failing to attract foreign investment?
When a rich man in Bangladesh thinks about whether to buy land with his surplus money, make a high-rate fixed deposit, or invest in an industry, what considerations work in his mind? Such as Dubai, Singapore, Mumbai
When a rich man in Bangladesh thinks about whether to buy land with his surplus money, make a high-rate fixed deposit, or invest in an industry, what considerations work in his mind? Like Dubai, Singapore, Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur, London, Paris or New York, when a company or a billionaire wants to choose a new investment destination for his or their capital, what do they consider?
With more than 35 years of experience managing or managing investment opportunities at home and abroad, I have found that businessmen value the experience of individuals or organizations who are already doing business—not reading newspapers—the most. Then comes the possibility of profit by bringing in capital or investment, depth of financial sector and ease of getting bank loans, facility of getting skilled workers or managers, transportation or transport infrastructure, facility of profit export, conventional legal framework and possibility of getting justice free from evil influence and staying away from corruption. opportunity toAlong with this, the purchasing power of consumers and variation in consumer spending are considered.,,
There is no significant success in Bangladesh.
Although Bangladesh is said to be an attractive destination for foreign investment, the issue of investment environment is only limited to discussion. Various policies have been formulated to attract foreigners, but there is no continuity. The country has repeatedly failed to gain confidence as a suitable investment. Again, the long process and lack of coordination in getting services to retain investment has not disappeared in the last three decades. All in all, except for a handful of companies, foreign investment has not been successful in this country.
Bangladesh can be an attractive or potential market for foreign investment in view of the increase in per capita income, increase in consumer spending and the development of the middle class at a higher rate. Still, the reasons for not attracting large-scale investment in the country are internal. Lack of discipline in the financial sector, political instability, lack of continuity of investment policy, i.e. change of investment policy from year to year, lack of capacity of the organizations engaged in investment and bureaucratic complexity have worked behind this lack of investment.
Apart from this, the initiatives taken to attract foreign investment have not yet shown any effectiveness. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played an important role in the economic transformation of developing countries. FDI has contributed to the economic expansion of countries like Vietnam, China, Mexico and India since the 1980s. FDI is especially effective in creating new jobs in the manufacturing sector, transferring technology and stabilizing foreign exchange reserves.