Politically motivated attacks on religious minorities unacceptable: India to Bangladesh
Bangladesh Police came out with a report on January 11, which acknowledged that the police force has carried out countrywide investigation based on the complaints of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Unity Council (BHBUC)

A day after Bangladesh Police declared the recent attacks on the minority communities in the country as “politically motivated” discounting “communal” angle, sources criticised the approach of the interim government in this matter and said this raises questions about the credibility of the Mohammad Yunus-led government.
Sources in Delhi pointed out that the interim government had initially refused to acknowledge that there are attacks taking place on the minority communities but now the law enforcement authorities themselves are acknowledging that attacks targeting minority religious communities took place. “As of 8 December 2024, 2200 incidents of killing and attack on minority were reported since August 5. The interim government then denounced these reports as media exaggerations and refused to acknowledge the seriousness or take responsibility. Now 4-5 months down the line their own police have investigated and acknowledged, but only 1769 cases.”
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Politically motivated attacks on religious minorities unacceptable: India to Bangladesh
Bangladesh Police came out with a report on January 11, which acknowledged that the police force has carried out countrywide investigation based on the complaints of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Unity Council (BHBUC)
Updated - January 13, 2025 11:48 am IST - NEW DELHI:
Kallol BhattacherjeeKallol Bhattacherjee
Muhammad Yunus, head of Bangladesh’s interim government. File
Muhammad Yunus, head of Bangladesh’s interim government. File | Photo Credit: AP
A day after Bangladesh Police declared the recent attacks on the minority communities in the country as “politically motivated” discounting “communal” angle, sources criticised the approach of the interim government in this matter and said this raises questions about the credibility of the Mohammad Yunus-led government.
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Sources in Delhi pointed out that the interim government had initially refused to acknowledge that there are attacks taking place on the minority communities but now the law enforcement authorities themselves are acknowledging that attacks targeting minority religious communities took place. “As of 8 December 2024, 2200 incidents of killing and attack on minority were reported since August 5. The interim government then denounced these reports as media exaggerations and refused to acknowledge the seriousness or take responsibility. Now 4-5 months down the line their own police have investigated and acknowledged, but only 1769 cases.”
Also read:India and Bangladesh: Fractured bonds along the border
Bangladesh Police came out with a report on Saturday (January 11, 2025) which acknowledged that the police force has carried out countrywide investigation based on the complaints of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Unity Council (BHBUC) but in conclusion said, “It was found that in the majority of the cases, the attacks were not communally motivated – rather, those were political in nature.” Out of the 1769 incidents registered by the BHBUC, Bangaldesh Police said 1,234 incidents were “political in nature” and that 161 cases were “found to be false or untrue”.
Sources in Delhi strongly criticised this approach saying “How does political motivation justify any killing? This raises questions about the credibility of the interim government.” “What steps are being taken to bring culprits to justice and to prevent recurrence?” asked an official privy to the exchanges between the two sides.