Awami League's response to the UN Human Rights Report

The UN High Commissioner's Office (OHCHR) published a detailed report by the Sheikh Hasina government and the Awami League government and the Awami League to oppress and kill the students and workers in Bangladesh last July-August.

Mar 5, 2025 - 08:59
Awami League's response to the UN Human Rights Report

The UN High Commissioner's Office (OHCHR) published a detailed report by the Sheikh Hasina government and the Awami League government and the Awami League to oppress and kill the students and workers in Bangladesh last July-August.The OHCHR report is an urgent reminder for the international community that they need to focus on the situation in Bangladesh. However, it was important to say that the head of the interim government said. To responsible the government for the ongoing failure of Muhammad Yunus and the deep corruption that is deeply rooted.

As a result, the Awami League (OHCHR) reports fully rejecting the report and condemns the serious defects in its investigation system. At the same time, the party is calling for a new and neutral investigation. Bangladesh is currently feeling a reliable investigation that will ensure proper details and registration of ongoing instability before and after August 5The investigation should be included in the organized killings and illegal detainees and supporters of the Awami League (largest and traditional political parties in the country), increasing attacks on religious and ethnic minorities, suppressing the media and journalists, and the growth of the country's cultural and political lifeThe issues of Islamization.These worrying events are being reported daily in the international media, but sadly, this month's OHCHR-document has not been adequately reviewed. One of the important weaknesses of the report is that it did not include the post -August period of August 5, so many of its observations failed to reflect the most important concerns of the people of Bangladesh.

The OHCHR-report itself acknowledges its limits. It also acknowledged that they could not present any such evidence to prove the allegations of human rights violations against the Awami League, which could meet the criteria of a crime court.

In the interest of the record, the Awami League is strongly denial and rejecting the demands of this report. In particular, it has been alleged that some of the top leaders of the party, in which the (former) Prime Minister himself, were personally ordered the use of lethal power against the people or were responsible for it; Or the detainees were involved in the abuse or were aware of it - all these claimsCompletely baseless.These allegations are based on the interim government's biased information, when such important documents and proofs have been kept secret, which could prove the Awami League free and point to the crime of interim government members and supporters.For example, the OHCHR- serious Bangladesh now requires a completely independent review, which will be guided by a neutral investigator, so that the truth can be revealed without any fear of revenge.

The report has made some important recommendations for Bangladesh, including practicing genuine multi -party democracy, ensuring the safety of religious and ethnic minorities, and retaining economic and social progress in recent years.However, it is not possible to implement anything if this incomplete and one-sided description is allowed to survive without challenges and if an unsuccessful and biased administration is in power, whose failures are being ignored by OHCHR.Mita accepts. He and his companions resign and return power to the President, so that the people of Bangladesh can choose themselves again.